you are the image of true love. You are the one who's been sent to fill people's hearts with love and joy.I found the ocean of love in your big heart! Time goes by so slowly and you are gone for so long but you are still the image of love.I believe you flew to eternity and tha't where you're belong to. you were so high to stand on this earth and you were so pure to breathe this air!
You are the lord of kindness and the king of love! Who can ever stand on your shadow for you are the sun! you are the generouse in love and heart and who can help flying in that blue sky of yours?
Oh my man, my love, my dearst just tell me who you are!
Tell me you are the angel flew to my darkest night to lift me high , help me get to the sky and make me filled by love!
This is the day of YOURS! this is the day for lovers and You are the purest lover and the lovliest beloved!
I want to stay with your love forever and here is the love feeling you reflected to your beloved ones and all people forever! I want to keep them in my heart and the light of your love will always warm my needing heart!
Elvis' Love
"She was the best thing to ever happen to me - her and the baby. It’s a hell of a thing that one person can be so-so satisfied and then find out that it was all a lie - that the other person was unhappy and dying inside all that time - just putting you on for so long."
"I guess my favorite one (memory) now is when Lisa was born - when I first held her, you know? She was so-so tiny-precious and beautiful. I know all babies look beautiful to their parent, but she was-was special. I guess because I realized she was my child - mine to care for and-and it was a special feeling. It was that I realized it wasn’t just me anymore - or Cilla. It was us - and they depended on me. I liked it."
"People in love they say, always tend to overlook the loved one’s faults, but I think it’s more that they see them and love them too much to let it bother them. That to me, is what love really is - being willing to accept each other for what you and they are, regardless of flaws or inconsistencies, loving in spite of, instead of because of another’s ways."